Gold Club for 2020 from Mortgage Architects

I received this lovely email from our CEO today informing me that I have achieved gold status with the company for the second year in a row.
What does this mean for you? It truly means that I do A LOT of mortgages. For my customers that comes with benefits.... when you do a lot of mortgages you:
- get better/faster service (the more mortgages you do the better service you get from lenders typically)
- catch issues before they become issues (because we learn from mistakes)
- better systems (when we help with more mortgages we need to be more organized so we have systems and accountability in place so you get a smooth transaction from start to finish
A huge thank you to all the referral partners & clients who trusted me this year with their transactions. It is an honour to serve each and every one of you & I am greatful that you choose us to trust with what is likely your largest investment in your life,